What follows is my English translation of a short article by Adam Bark, originally in Italian, published on ComeDonChisciotte.org on Wednesday 20th November 2024. (All formatting original).
In a world where existence itself is claimed as booty by the anonymous Market Idol, the transition is made to a system of control that no longer needs coercive force as a deterrent to disobedience. The empty consumer society depicts the perfect marriage between the interests of financial capital and the disruptive characteristics of the current (post)-liberal ideology. Financial tyranny uses ad hoc ideological justification to break down every barrier to its absolute domination.
Having emerged victorious from the bloody 20th century, liberal ideology claims the right to declare itself the sole and total guarantor of truth. Originally characterised by the cult of the individual erected as the subject of history, it moves along the dialectic of “perpetual liberation” from all “barriers” that might hinder its maximum expression.
With the end of the bipolar world and the disappearance of real socialism, which represented an alternative to its dominance, liberalism changes its face. Following an internal logic, it evolves into the current post-ideological phase, also freeing itself from its empiricist roots and, therefore, from the burden of truth.
On the strength of this superstructure par excellence, every collective identity - be it ethnic, religious, cultural, class and even biological - is eroded and declared obsolete by the standard bearers of political correctness. Man “freed” from all barriers becomes an atomised subject, uprooted from any profound identity and abandoned to the only thing left: the crumbling anonymity of capitalism. The condition of deepening alienation is adorned with schwas and rainbows, distractions and vices worthy of the “best of all possible worlds”.
For the current dogma, freedom no longer represents its former function, but is reduced to the mere autonomy to serve the capitalist machine to the best of one’s ability. This system does not need secret police and purges to maintain its power: it possesses the means to impose an unquestionable narrative and cage minds in a prison of falsehood - in other words, it possesses total hegemony.
From the genius of Antonio Gramsci
An eloquent definition of this concept, applicable beyond the strict confines of literal Marxism, comes from the genius of Antonio Gramsci. Starting from the analysis of classical Marxism, Gramsci recognises the importance of the economic question at the basis of social relations and distinguishes society into dominant and dominated classes, where the former influence the cultural, ideological and political expressions of society, i.e. the superstructure. However, Gramsci questions: how was the Bolshevik revolution possible in Russia? How did Lenin succeed in a country that, according to Marxist theory, had not yet developed the material conditions for a revolution?
According to Marx, communist revolution should have taken place in industrially advanced countries that had fully accepted the capitalist model and in which the division between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat had developed. But this was not the case in Russia, where the predominance of the agricultural sector, the absence of a bourgeois political system, and the low presence of the proletariat made a revolution unlikely. However, Lenin had added to Marxism the possibility of creating a political vanguard. Gramsci considered the teachings of Leninism essential, which showed how, under certain conditions, the ideological and political superstructure could anticipate the economic base.
Leninism proposed a political vanguard to manage the public domain and government. For Gramsci, however, there is another segment of the superstructure, not related to the management of institutions, but to the struggle between ideas and their collective expression: civil society. Here one can speak of a true “zone of expansion”, in which science, culture, philosophy, art, journalism and all areas where ideas develop and circulate reside. It is in this sphere that one of the most crucial battles for the control of hegemony is fought: the struggle for minds.
Hegemony is thus the exercise of the dominant will to direct the culture and consequently the ideas, values and norms of a society, to the point of gaining approval and consent even from the dominated classes. In today’s context, the instrumental use of hegemony to endorse liberal ideology and its rainbow metamorphosis as the sole guardian of truth is evident. According to the propaganda of the ruling class, liberal values are universally true and must, therefore, be imposed on all peoples of the world, whatever the cost.
In defence of its class interest, power exercises full control over the superstructure, dominating both the political sphere and civil society. We could argue that while repressive power acts when rules are broken, the conquest of cultural hegemony ensures that disobedience becomes not only impossible, but unthinkable.
However, even in a situation of total hegemony, intellectual rebellion and the emergence of a battle of ideas are not only possible, but inevitable. Gramsci states that despite the dominance of the ruling class, the adoption or rejection of hegemony depends on the free will of intellectuals. Most of them, whom Gramsci calls “traditional intellectuals”, will put their intellect at the service of the dominant view, becoming, today, guarantors of liberal totalitarianism. In contrast, the intellectual who rejects this hegemony becomes an “organic intellectual”, whose mind becomes a weapon in the struggle for a more just society.
The autonomy to choose sides reflects the independence that Leninism had shown in the political context. Just as the Bolsheviks had anticipated material conditions, so the intellectual has the possibility to explicitly reject the values promoted by the ruling class. The struggle for hegemony is thus not merely an economic or political issue, but also includes conscience and society. In civil society this battle is played out, where those who are aware of their historical duty can challenge the dominant view and work to build an alternative.
Multipolar oligarchies will not save us
The current post-ideological phase of capitalism requires, however, an evolution of Gramsci’s thought. With the rise of geopolitical multipolarism that undermines US imperialism, a fundamental question emerges. The Western system is facing a serious challenge, its hitherto undisputed hegemony is being threatened by the emerging bourgeoisies of the BRICS coveting a slice of power. Geopolitical unipolarism is being replaced by a new world that no longer recognises the sanctity of Western institutions nor the supposed universalism of the liberal model.
Multipolar capital sees itself at this stage determined to unhinge the superstructure imposed on it by the West in the name of the interest of its own national bourgeoisies bent on claiming greater autonomy. By adopting policies according to their own interests, these states deny the unquestionability of the previous superstructure and change the nature of hegemony.
Multipolar oligarchs, however, are certainly less inclined to abandon the aspect to which the “Western logos” undoubtedly devotes primacy. The founding dogma of hegemony, of which, every other aspect is the product, is the cult that the West dedicates to the Market Idol and its empty religion of perpetual consumption. Capital, after all, has no flags, it dominates regardless of the poles in which it is distributed. From this, there is no doubt that the profound changes taking place do not represent a denial of the universality of the Western philosophical product but rather an adaptation of hegemony to the interests of its own ruling classes.
Let the Counter-Egemony of the Future arise
By definition, counter-hegemony must represent a dialectical surpassing of established hegemony. Since hegemony is a product of the capitalist economic system to which it in return avails itself of a sacred aura, the counter-hegemony must stand as a dialectical overcoming to it. Constructing a counter-hegemony cannot be limited to proposing a reorganisation of the same system into multiple poles: it would be like treating the symptoms of a cancer without removing it.
In a context where capital reconstructs itself in new geopolitical configurations and hegemony fragments, the counter-hegemonic bloc is in its essence the radical rejection of the economic and cultural paradigm that sustains the dominant system. A genuine opposition that must not simply accept the chimera of a redistribution of power between geopolitical poles, but aspire to a construction of an alternative that subverts the founding values of capitalist hegemony: the idolatry of the market, consumerist alienation and the dissolution of collective identities in the name of an artificial universalism.
Genuine counter-hegemony must present itself as the dialectical overcoming of the existing order, capable of proposing an ethics of limitation as opposed to the narrowness of consumption, and of promoting a vision of the human being rooted in community and relationship, rather than atomised individualism. Hence the importance of civil society as a battleground for intellectual and cultural struggle, and the need for a reworking of collective identities in a non-reactionary, but emancipatory key.
The construction of this counter-hegemony needs organic intellectuals capable of articulating an alternative worldview, supported by a political force equal to the enemy. A narrative must emerge that is not limited to denouncing the contradictions of global capitalism, but that is able to concretely indicate a way out of the system that generates it, through a cultural, political and economic project capable of uniting the local to the global, the particular to the universal.
In this sense, the crisis of unipolarism offers a historical window: not to consolidate a capitalist pluralism, but to start building the foundations of an order that recognises the intrinsic value of communities and peoples, freeing them from capitalist dogma and its cultural hegemony. Understanding the criticality of the historical moment and the nature of power makes action indispensable. It is our duty to prepare this ground and make the collective consciousness fertile, so that it is ready for a new “Future”.
Ismaele, Thank you for your review of Adam Bark, originally in Italian, published on ComeDonChisciotte.org 'socialism' (Latin 'socius' = 'friend') or 'communism' (L. 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service' aka 'community').
However from what you've written here & in other of your blogs, Adam is perhaps is out of touch with the 17th century origins of these movements based in a return to understanding all humanity's worldwide 'Indigenous' (L 'self-generating') heritage based in peace & prosperity before the violence & resulting ignorance of Oligarch violence, invasion, genocide & destruction. www.indigenecommunity.info is a 61 year compilation of many complementary facets of humanity's indigenous heritage in 77 web-sections focused on such essential aspects, as accounting, governance & other aspect of human livelihood. Indigenous people worldwide express this as the CIRCLE-of-LIFE All humanity's worldwide indigenous ancestors & 1st Nations here cultivated an interdisciplinary Indigenous CIRCLE-of-LIFE, which provided checks & balances for accomplishing these Criteria successfully with immense abundance & peace, over many 10s of 1000s of years of vibrant, abundant, distributed wealth in loving societies. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/3-indigenous-circle-of-life
All humanity 'indigenous' (L 'self-generating') ancestors built cultural fractal Economic Memory within each social-economic-political function, similar to bodily autonomy based in integrated gene, cell, tissue, organ specialty action, 'ECONOMIC' MEMORY & decision-making authority, at each level integrated. Top-down neurology based in the brain as uniquely decisional has been examined & rejected over 90 years. The brain is but one nexus of information transfer. The stomach for example has more neurons than the brain. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/3-economic-memory
Etymologies are helpful because they help us understand the deeper meanings & origins of words. While Oligarch Hierarchy perverts the meaning of words & processes, they don't adhere to the Syllabic meanings within words. Words such as 'Socialist' (Latin 'socius' = 'friend'). 'Communist' (L. 'com' = 'together' + 'munus' = 'gift-or-service') have been completely perverted/misused opposite to their original meaning, which implies an intimate, cultural 'fractal' ('fraction, multiplier, building-block, where-the-part-contains-the-whole') typically empowering people from the bottom-up, not from the top-down. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/5-collaborative-language
Marx & Engels' later writing towards socialism & community for example are very much focused on such as the writings of Lewis Henry Morgan & his study of the 'Haudenosaunee' (Iroquois 'People-of-the-extended-rafters' aka 'welcome') of upstate New York & Canada. Few are aware of Friedrich Engels & Karl Marx's extensive correspondence with Lewis Henry Morgan on his work 'Ancient Society' or even Thomas Jefferson & Adams extensive influence by First Nation correspondents on ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/8-economic-democracy
Its too bad that; apartheid, segregation & unconscious indoctrination in the minds of these settler political-economy colonial philosophers did not help them understand the deeper 10s of 1000s of years of ancient indigenous truths, which they were only barely aware of. These dysfunctional 'Designed-to-fail' fragments is what we've been indoctrinated in the west to think ever since. I began reading Marx, Engels, Hegel, Marcuse & other writers 60 years ago.
Petr Kropotkin as a Russian geographer & considered a leading 'Anarchist' ('without external imposed structure') bases 'Mutual-Aid' (published ~1915) & other works calling for a return to the multistakeholder progressive ownership of the GUILD system, such as he became familiar with upon living & working with many of Russia's 1st Nation indigenous peoples. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/9-mutual-aid
Benjamin Franklin: Remarks concerning the Savages of North America (1784) as described among 1st Nations & friends. No prisons, governance by Council, study of Oratory, Education by experience & mentored relationship, hospitality, civility & generosity to all, respect of religious thought & ceremony, respect of nature, respect of privacy & sovereignty, transparency & respect of everyone’s labours by Benjamin Franklin 3 pgs. https://pdcrodas.webs.ull.es/fundamentos/FranklinRemarksConcerningTheSavagesOfNorthAmerica.pdf
In connecting to our origins of many 10s of 1000s of years of peace & prosperity in harmony with each other, nature & the biosphere's enormous productivity, people are able to see through the perversions which Oligarch started making 7000 years ago in Babylon-Mesopotamia & in a continuous lineage of fake 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') amnesia since.
Oligarch Fake metal-coin 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') is the basis of Zionist amnesic control of Finance, Media, Religion, Education, Military-Industrial, Legislative, Judicial, Pharma-med & Agri-business COMPLEX in every empire since. Today's fake 'religions' (L. 'religio' = 'to-relate' aka 'not-to-indoctrinate-or-dominate') are based in submission worshipping of empire. 1st Oligarchy overthrows once 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') Babylon-Mesopotamia (5000 BC). Following the desertification & destruction of Babylon, Oligarchs packed up their metal printing presses to establish in Assyria, PHOENICIA (Kingdom-of-Israel + City-states of Tyr, Sidon, Byblos, Beirut). Phoenician Empire invades, genocides, occupies & colonizes control of all shores of the Mediterranean & Black (eg. Ashkenaz, Khazaria empires centered in Ukraine) Seas. Hence the Zionist war in Ukraine under dual-citizens Poroshenko & Zelensky with the sacrifice of >800,000 Slavs to date.
Indigenous Time-based equivalency accounting upon the worldwide STRING-SHELL Value system (Eg. Wampum on Turtle-Island/N. America, Quipu in S. America, Cowrie in indigenous Celtic-Slavic Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & all islands) once universally recognized, valorized, compensated & empowered every 'economic' (Gk. 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') contributor. String-shell integrates: 1) 'Capital' (L 'cap' = 'head' = 'collective-intelligence'), 2) 'Currency' = 'flow' of contribution, experience, expertise & decision-making acumen, 3) 'Condolence' = 'Social-Security', 4) Collegial mentored-apprentice 'education' (L 'educare' = 'to-lead-forth-from-within') Credit, 5) time-math Communication, 6) professional Costume plus more.
Response to Ismaele's "Multipolar oligarchies will not save us".
Well, Adam Bark got this far: "a construction of an alternative that subverts the founding values of capitalist hegemony: the idolatry of the market, consumerist alienation and the dissolution of collective identities in the name of an artificial universalism."
Which is more or less correct. And then he fucked it all up yet again as these guys always do:
"Genuine counter-hegemony must present itself as the dialectical overcoming of the existing order, capable of proposing an ethics of limitation as opposed to the narrowness of consumption, and of promoting a vision of the human being rooted in community and relationship, rather than atomised individualism."
This is why I don't adhere to limited ideologies. As the Situationists said once, "Ask someone which part of the old system should be retained. It will turn out to be absolutely everything."
This clown believes in "an ethics of limitation" which presumably means "we should all be poor to save the environment" (which is bullshit), "human rooted in the community" which presumably means under the control the community - at the top of which would be him, of course - and finally he is opposed to "atomistic individualism" - which is always the case in these socialist types.
What the hell difference is that from the existing neoliberal/neoconservative bullcrap?
Add to that the usual massive verbiage about "dialectics", "alienation", "bourgeoisie and the proletariat", etc. common to "intellectuals" of this sort. Yes, I've read the Situationists, as noted above, who also wallowed in this stuff, but occasionally could speak in plain English that did not require a university degree in Marxist Studies.
None of these people have a clue. The problem goes FAR deeper. It is rooted in human hierarchical primate nature and can only be "fixed" by altering that nature. Period. End of story.
In the meantime, one needs to become an individualist anarchist (NOT a classic "socialist anarchist" because they all buy into this mish-mash of verbiage), and a radical Transhumanist ("radical" because one recognizes the need for fundamental changes in the human species, indeed, the replacement of that species. not just its "enhancement".) One needs to individually reject the dominant paradigm of state, religion, morality, culture, society, civilization and human nature itself and devote oneself to the practical problem of survival in a chaotic civilization heading for an inevitable - but uneven - collapse.
This is what my Substack, "The Five Essentials", is intended to illuminate.
As Heath Ledger's Joker said: "Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order and everything becomes chaos. I’m an agent of chaos. Oh, and you know the thing about chaos? It’s fair."