Russia finds Ukrainian laboratory where chemical weapons were manufactured
Of course mostly unreported news, while the NATO summit in Washington DC gets all the attention of the Western mainstream media.
Western mainstream media (MSM) keeps reporting or actually even over-reporting about the NATO summit in Washington D.C. for the celebration of the 75th anniversary of this disgraced military alliance. Why do I say “over-reporting”? Well… yesterday (10th July 2024) The Guardian reported that the NATO Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, admitted that “support to Ukraine is not charity. It is in our own security interest”… and this happens just a few days after he indirectly recognized that the US and NATO as parties to the conflict in Ukraine in an interview at “Face the Nation” on CBS News, as I reported at the end of my article linked below:
In the meantime, the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation issued a communiqué, obviously ignored by Western MSM, on its Telegram channel, stating that, during the inspection by military engineers of the industrial area of one of the settlements near Avdeevka (in the areas recently brought under Russian control), a laboratory with chemical equipment was discovered in one of the half-destroyed buildings. A team of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection Troops was sent to the site to inspect the premises and analyse what was found.
As you can see in the video above, in the laboratory, a semi-industrial rotary evaporator, a chemical fume hood, chemical reactors, carbon dioxide cylinders and shelves containing laboratory tools and reagents were found. In addition, gas masks, including American-made models, and a Polish-made protective suit were found.
Extensive analysis of the substances in the laboratory containers showed the presence of sulphuric acid and sodium cyanide, which suggested that the equipment found was used for the production of hydrogen cyanide, a poisonous substance.
A staff of 2-3 people could operate in the laboratory, producing at least 3 kg of poisonous substances per day. The Ministry of Defence note points out that the lethal dose per inhalation for this type of poisonous substance is 70-80 mg for one person.
The Chemical Weapons Convention bans the use of hydrogen cyanide. This toxic chemical causes dizziness, increased heart rate, vomiting, convulsions, paralysis of respiratory muscles and death. The Ukrainian side has repeatedly reported the use of home-made ammunition containing this substance. Most often, these munitions are dropped on Russian positions by means of drones.
The neo SS is busy doing their evil deeds.