thanks ismaele

the issue of breaking away from the past - specifically bretton woods agreement and the international institutions set up at the time - bis, swift, imf, world bank, even the un - all set up to favour the powerful, but excluding the last one ( un ) all of them serving the interests of the usa, especially when it went off the gold standard in 1971, and with the establishment of the petro dollar.. that is all the past, but it is still very much in the present.. those who retain power, don't want to let go of it without a fight.. thus we see the usa-uk - both empires of the past few hundred years - unwilling to let go any of it..

i think it is a gradual process and obviously many would like to see the future in the present, but it takes time...

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Good points James..

May I add that Millennials and Gen Zs should really collaborate together to take down these old white males that are holding the entire planet hostage for centuries now.

They clearly do not care about we the young ones so we should absolutely link up with each other in all countries of the World 🌍 (including the Western Nations if they are down with us) and become a United Force to take down these fucking old farts that have been cannibalizing us for hundreds of years now

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i am with you, even if i am an old white fart, lol... i am totally with you... it is really a class war and it always has been.. the rich and the poor and the rich always taking advantage of the poor... that is what all of us really wish to address as i see it.. cheers..

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You are an old white gentleman and not the old farts I was referring to my brother 😅

And yes, I would really love it if the older generations of the Western world links up with we the younger ones to really end those very small class of Elites as you pointed out which have just been feasting on our blood and sweat for far too long now

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thanks uaifo.... i have young friends who i discuss issues with.. i have played music for a livelihood and have many interactions with a much younger generation then myself.... i think your concerns are universal and these ways we have of defining ourselves can sometimes be limiting... it is true what you say and i think that is the real battle.. standing up for the poor and those who are oppressed and taken advantage of - regardless of their race, creed, sex or colour... that is the way of the future.. hopefully we can get there before we don't have a there to get to.. cheers..

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Couldn't have said this better myself James, all I can say is I agree a 💯✌🏼

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Hard to do when you make categorical statements like: "... take down these old white males that are holding the entire planet hostage for centuries now."

That's the kind of language that creates divisions, not bridges them.

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Just shush, no one is talking to you 🤫

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It's an open forum, I'll say whatever I like.

Freedom of speech, bitch.

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Identity politics? Really? You mean like these assholes?


I don't see any old white males there, do you?

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RE: The false colonial propaganda & intentional disabling of intimate loving society that; "money, which was created as a means of exchanging goods and services......to replace barter."

'MONEY' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'MEMORY'

With such common Oligarch-fed ignorance of all our ancestral value system, all of us, BRICS & the whole world should learn about & study humanity's worldwide 'INDIGENOUS' (Latin 'self-generating') String-shell Time-based, Equivalency Accounting Value as a model from which we can move forward at all levels. We are living a legacy of Oligarch directed colonial violence & thereby ignorance about human potential & actualization as well as the self-destructive Top-Down amnesic fake money, which is driving humanity to self-destruction.

STRING-SHELL TIME-BASED EQUIVALENCY ACCOUNTIING SYSTEM as the way forward, to which everyone can benefit from adopting these practices in their own homes, work, government & institutions.


For 10s of 1000s of years worldwide during all humanity's 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') heritage, whole continents & regions subscribed to the STRING-SHELL TIME-BASED EQUIVALENCY ACCOUNTING VALUE SYSTEM.

Worldwide archives describe our ancestors as buying, selling, voting, owning, calculating etc. with their String-shell. All humanity's 'indigenous' worldwide time-based, equivalency accounting, upon the String-shell Value system (eg. Wampum on Turtle-Island/N. America, Quipu in S. America & Cowrie in once indigenous Celtic-Slavic Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & all islands) for collective contributions, buying, selling & co-investment by all stakeholders (eg. Founders, Workers, Managers, Suppliers, Townspeople, Consumers etc.


String-shell is issued locally among people who know each other as a unit of time or equivalent task recognition for all collective contributions made. Indigenous String-shell integrates:

a) 'Capital' (L 'cap' = 'head' = 'collective-intelligence'),

b) 'Currency' ('flow' of compensation from contribution, experience, expertise, decision-making acumen etc),

c) 'Condolence' (Social-security support for illness, injury, handicap, old-ages etc.),

d) Collegial mentored-apprenticeship 'educational' (L. 'educare' = 'to-lead-forth-from-within') Credit, e) time-math Communication & f) professional Costume all in RELATIONAL ECONOMY. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy


With centralized extractive, exploitive Top Down fake metal-coin money, 'exogenous' (Latin 'self-generating') Oligarchs impose social & economic 'Amnesia' among the people, for all the diverse Domestic, Industrial & Commercial contributions, which each person & collective entities make, hence people are kept ignorant, forgetful, unappreciative of each other or Divided & Conquered for central Oligarch perpetual command & control.

String shell as a system of Economic Memory is issued from the bottom up in the collective Domestic, Industrial & Commercial 'economies' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture').

with bodily autonomy.

Modern neurology has established how each part of the body, has both neurons, memory, intelligence & the autonomous mandate to act with their specific knowledge. The brain is considered as only one of several body Nexus for the inter-neural-communication of these events & coordinated action by the whole body, most often learning of events & actions, well after the fact. The human body is analogous as a model for humanity's body-politic or society at various levels. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/3-economic-memory

Intimate, intergenerational, female-male, interdisciplinary, critical-mass, economies of scale ~100 (50-150) person MULTIHOME-DWELLING-COMPLEX (eg. Apartment, Townhouse & Village-cluster) with its collective Domestic economy (mostly women) & subset Industry & Commerce economies operated with both huge economic & ecological efficiencies. Many anthropological researchers measuring Multihome-economies, consider that with just one hour/day of essential labours, adults were able to employ their self-chosen strengths to achieve all necessities for the family & community. Multihomes provide the 1st FRACTAL ('fraction, multiplier, building-block, where-the-part-contains-the-whole') of collaborative 'economic' Livelihood. 70% of people today live in Multihomes (eg. apartment, townhouse & village) within an average of 32 dwelling-units = ~100 people. 20% of Multihome-Dwellers are extended-families living intentionally in proximity for social & economic collaboration. This is largest essential goods & service economy on earth is the domestic extended-family provision of caring, sharing & integration. On Turtle-island/N. America, this intimate most individual appropriate economy contributes some 2 trillion dollars. The most important practice, which an indigenizing society can make is to https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/1-extending-our-welcome-participatory-multihome-cohousing

Oligarch minority-share but triangulated control of the US-Federal-Reserve, Bank-of-England (City-of-London) & Bank-of-International-Settlements, provides Oligarchs with command & control of the western Finance, Media, Religion, Education, Military-Industrial, Legislative, Judicial, Pharma-med & Agri-business COMPLEX. We can understand the operation of the COMPLEX as trickle-down positions in submission to the Oligarch with orders coming from the top down. Fiat fake money is issued top-down as Loans to friends, family & associate corporations in a closed cycle by the Club of hierarchal privilege. Access to goods, resources & labour are closed in this exclusive club.

INDIGENOUS MULTISTAKEHOLDER PARTICIPATORY CORPORATE PRACTICE is organized through sovereign ownership by participant contributors, under the Production-Society-Guild charters to facilitate Founder, Worker, Manager, Supplier, Townspeople & Consumer share holding, ownership, decision-making & Board representation. Invested interest by progressive ownership stakeholders creates the decentralized trust of participants in each department & division of enterprises enabling decision-making & resources to be delegated throughout 'corporations' (L. 'corp' = 'body'). The core economy is that of the ~100 person Multihome as systems of intimate knowing & acting together. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/2-participatory-accounting Participatory Companies http://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/7-participatory-companies

Rateable Corporations https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/3-rateable-non-profit-corporations

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I’m impressed by all your languages.

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