"Ludwig von Mises wrote in Human Action, "The utilitarian economist does not say: Fiat justitia, pereat mundus. He says: Fiat justitia, ne pereat mundus."[8] (Let Justice be done, so that the world won't perish, or, Let justice be done, lest the world perish)."


For once, Wikipedia has not been utterly bolloxed!

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Your informational article is good and between us the word on this ought to get better distribution. Pepe Escobar also picked it up, while Medvedev's Telegram noted close to one million views as of this morning. Several members of Russia's government have commented and said some form of action will occur in response, but here we have the legal basis for that response.

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I wonder how many other countries will pull their investments in the USA, knowing the same could happen to them.

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In fact, if they go down this slippery slope, it will be the final nail in the coffin of the hegemony of the Outlaw US Empire and its currency, the US dollar.

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I do like this one, I once posted something similar, but in a more crude fashion and received considerable pushback, but I can only remind people that the United States of n s t Israel simply doesn’t care what we the people have to say, they really are that far gone.

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