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thanks ismaele..

i have gotten into this simplistic habit of looking at types of conflicts in terms of class warfare, specifically the upper class against the lower class... prior to the absolution of slavery it was more obvious to see.. now in late stage capitalism it is becoming more clear again, as many folks in the middle are being squeezed economically... and that is certainly true of young people of today who can also see this more clearly, given the abysmal circumstances they face, unless they are getting some large inheritance...

green fanaticism is an unwillingness to acknowledge reality.. any attempt to maintain the same consumer habits while thinking that switching to electric vehicles for example, (as opposed to public transportation), is going allow everyone to continue to live in there individualistic bubble of happiness while the planet continues to be destroyed for profit, is bound to fail...people - specifically our leaders who serve the corporations interests, just haven't gotten round to acknowledging this yet... i am not sure when it happens, but acknowledging the class war between the rich and the poor would certainly speed up the change needed... until that happens, the 'for profit' ideology will continue to exploit and destroy the planet.. real leadership is needed and it is sorely missing..

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