I have a very hard time reading this article- my heart goes out to the Palestinians and the forces fighting for them. I am utterly disgusted by the behavior of the 'west'- they have completely lost their moral compass.

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" a ground invasion of Lebanon could turn into a blood bath for both sides, as in the 2006 Lebanon war."

Actually, in terms of casualties for both Hezbollah and Israel military units, it was not. Where it was a blood bath was in the Lebanese civilian casualties due to the "Dahiyah Doctrine" (if I spelled that right), i.e., the deliberate attacks on Beirut to try to turn Lebanon against Hezbollah. Which, of course, is exactly what Israel is doing right now. As Alastair Crooke has said, based on conversations with his contacts in Lebanon, it's not working.

As for the Israeli economy, I have been pointing out since 2006 that Israel absolutely can not win a war with Hezbollah without US help, and that the impact on the Israeli economy would be devastating because most of the Israeli population will be in bomb shelters 24x7 for months and the economy will evaporate. We've already seen this starting with the recent attacks on Haifa, not to mention the displacement of 60-70,000 settlers in the north, as well as the number of Israelis already fleeing the country. And of course, all the reservists not doing their day jobs while they're dying.

Where people get the US response wrong is their assumption that "the US" (aside: "who is the US. paleface", as the joke goes; the neocons running the Biden administration are the only people who count) is "reluctant" to enter the war. As I've said over and over for the last 17 years, no, they're not. What they are "reluctant" to do is be blamed for starting another Middle East war that goes south.

But that doesn't mean they won't do it. They have to do it if they want a war with China, because you can't have Iran and the rest of the Arabs selling oil to China during a war. Standard military strategy.

I cover that and much more in detail in my recent Substack articles on the conflict. I listened to Norman Finkelstein on Glenn Greenwald's Rumble show today saying the same thing I said in the title of my article: the war is inevitable.

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the thing that was wrong in Simplicius' article was that Hezbollah ' begged ' Iran to join the fray- total bullshit And I was worried by his article regarding the new Iranian president's position on Israel and especially the US. But Iran chose this guy with the guidance of the Ayatollah and he's been around long enough to know what's good for Iran. Its not my business and the very next paragraph Simplicius was talking aobut long range missiles to Yemen with Iran brokering the deal between Russa and Yemen. Let's love Iran Its easier on the heart and mind than wondering if its going the wrong way, after al these millennia. And Hezbollah is made out of a fabric far stronger than the Polish president of Israel and more honorable. Hezbollah wouldn't stoop to assassinating and it wouldn't stoop to beg neither. Russians don't seem to understand in integrity of the Arab Resistance.

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