Israel bombing of Lebanon, Nasrallah's speech and what could be considered EU's declaration of war against Russia
Another eventful day that brings us closer to World War 3

Just when Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah started delivering his speech to the Lebanese nation this afternoon, Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, Chief of Staff of the Israeli “Defense” Forces (IDF - or, more appropriately, Israeli “Offence” Forces, abbreviated as IOF) “held an assessment and approved battle plans for the northern front”, as reported by the Times of Israel. At the same time, Israeli warplanes “carried out mock air raids and broke the sound barrier over Beirut, Lebanon”, as well as real airstrikes “in several areas in south Lebanon […] targeting Hezbollah targets”, as reported by The Guardian and the Times of Israel (more are happening tonight, as reported here). So, we can finally say that Israel has officially started its third war against Lebanon.

Let’s now turn to the speech that Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered this afternoon, while Little Satan bombed Lebanon. Here are some highlights, as reported by Al Mayadeen in its Short News (a summary can be found in this article too). After offering “his condolences to the families of those who were martyred or wounded in the pager attack” and underlining that “the attack resulted in an unprecedented humanitarian campaign on a national level”, Nasrallah stated the following (all emphasis mine):
The enemy on Tuesday detonated thousands of pagers at once without regard for any regulations or morals.
Over two days and in one minute every day, the [Israeli] enemy intended to kill 5,000 people in two minutes without caring about anything.
The enemy was indifferent to the possible locations of the individuals bearing the devices and whether they were in civilian areas.
The aggression resulted in dozens of martyrs, including women and children, and thousands were wounded. The real scale of the aggression will show with time.
This criminal act is a major terrorist operation, an act of genocide and massacre, and amounts to a declaration of war.
The enemy knows that it rigged 4,000 pagers, meaning it intended to kill 4,000 people within a minute.
Many of the injuries were minor, and a number of the pagers were out of service, far away, or not distributed at all.
The very next day, the enemy intended to kill thousands of people bearing walkie-talkies.
Over two days and within the span of two minutes, the enemy sought to kill over 5,000 people without care.
This criminal act is a grand terrorist operation that amounts to a massacre and a declaration of war.
Thankfully, many injuries were mild and a significant number of pagers were either out of services or away from the individuals they were assigned.
The efforts made by the people contributed to mitigating the severity of the injuries.
We have formed investigative committees and we are closely examining all possible scenarios, hypotheses, and possibilities, and thus far, we have reached a near-certain answer to many of our questions.
The investigation will closely inspect all facets of the attacks, all the way from the factory where the devices were produced to how they made their hands to the consumers to allow us to reach a definitive conclusion.
There is no doubt that we were subjected to a major blow on a security and humanitarian level that is unprecedented in the history of our Resistance and perhaps in the history of the struggle against this enemy.
We were dealt a major blow, but that is war. We acknowledge that the enemy has technological supremacy, especially as it is backed by the United States and the collective West.
When engaging in such a struggle, we bank on freedom fighting and attrition, and we have garnered many victories thus far.
We will grow more steadfast and determined to overcome all perils, and it is of great importance that such blows do not undermine our will.
The Lebanese front has been greatly effective in pressuring the enemy, as evidenced by its actions and statements.
The enemy labeling the situation in the north as the first historic defeat for "Israel" is further evidence of our front's effectiveness.
The mobilization of forces in the north highlights the grave threat it faces on this front.
The enemy has admitted to losing the North, forcing Netanyahu and Gallant to find a solution to the predicament constituted by the northern front, which is one of the most important fronts in this war of attrition.
Our front is one of the most important trump cards in the hands of the Palestinian Resistance in the negotiations to halt the aggression on Gaza.
There have been paramount pressures and numerous threats were made in order to halt the operations on the northern front. The latest attack, i.e., the detonation of communication devices, comes within this context.
Many official and unofficial parties informed us Tuesday of the need to stop supporting Gaza and firing into "Israel" from the north.
We have been warned through official and unofficial channels that there would be more attacks if we do not halt our operations.
We must not succumb to these threats nor halt our support for Gaza.
Can you return the displaced to the north? We accept this challenge, but you will not be able to return them. Do whatever you want.
The Lebanese front will not halt operations until the aggression on Gaza ends regardless of the prospective sacrifices and repercussions.
What you are doing will increase the displacement of your displaced settlers from the north and will cancel the opportunity for their return.
The Resistance in Lebanon will not stop supporting Gaza, the West Bank, and the oppressed Palestinian people, and thus we will ensure that the enemy fails to achieve its goals.
The statements made by the wounded in the Tuesday and Wednesday attacks reflect their high spirits and their unwavering steadfastness to return to the battlefield.
The enemy aimed to destroy the Resistance's infrastructure and afflict as many leaders as possible while causing paramount chaos and weakness, which it failed to achieve.
Can Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu return the settlers to the north? We are taking this on as a challenge knowing full well they can't regardless of the course of action they take.
The only manner through which the enemy can return those displaced from the north is to halt the aggression the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
The course of action taken by the Israelis will ensure that more settlers are displaced from the north and make their return even harder.
The foolish commander of the northern command's suggestion to establish a security belt is making us hope they do go ahead with it so that their tanks would be easier to hit.
We are thoroughly looking for their tanks, and if they come our way, they are more than welcome to come. We will consider this threat a golden, historical opportunity of which we will take advantage.
If the enemy establishes a security belt, it must understand that it will be ambushed and will turn into a swamp in which it will be mired.
The retaliation the Israelis will face will remain a well-kept secret within our closest circles, and they will hear nothing of it until it is time.
Netanyahu and Gallant's egoistical, chaotic, and foolish leadership will lead the occupation into a bottomless canyon.
Yes, I emphasized a good portion of Nasrallah’s speech, especially the last part, but it just shows the resolve of Hezbollah, despite the recent terrorist attacks of Little Satan.

Al Mayadeen has also reported that Major General Salami, chief of the IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) sent a message to Sayyed Nasrallah saying:
On behalf of the brothers in the IRGC, I congratulate you on your honorable jihad in the most honorable battles with the enemy.
By the way, it is also worth reporting the following statements by the Iranian mission to the United Nations, quoted by Al Mayadeen last night (emphasis mine):
The Islamic Republic of Iran will duly follow up on the attack against its ambassador in Lebanon, which resulted in his injury, and reserves its rights under international law to take required measures deemed necessary to respond to such a heinous crime and violation.
The UN Secretary-General and the Security Council must condemn unequivocally Israel’s terrorist action and heinous crime against the head of Iran’s diplomatic mission in Lebanon, as well as violations of Lebanon’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and attacks and targeting of Lebanese civilians.

In related news, a massive explosion occurred at a building suspected to be a storehouse for Saudi-affiliated troops' weapons and ammunition in Yemen's Taiz region, as reported in another Al Mayadeen article, where member of Ansar Allah's political bureau, Hezam al-Asad, was also quoted as saying that the Great Satan (a.k.a. the Outlaw US Empire) “offered to recognize the Yemeni Ansar Allah movement's legitimate authority over the entire country of Yemen if they cease their attacks in support of Palestinians in Gaza”, following by these statements (emphasis mine):
Since the Yemeni leadership in Sanaa announced its participation in supporting our people in the Gaza Strip, the US administration has been carrying out political, military and economic blackmail against the government of Sanaa, trying to use intimidation to dissuade the Yemeni people from this path.
The United States also has no right to put pressure on us to stop supporting the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, who are being subjected to genocide by the Israeli occupying forces with US and Western support and participation.
And today US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller has said that “the US would urge Israel to halt strikes on Hezbollah if the terror group stopped launching attacks against the Jewish state first”, as reported by the Times of Israel:
Nasrallah could stop the terrorist attacks across Israel, and I guarantee you, if he did that, we would be impressing upon Israel the need to maintain calm on their end.
Dear Miller, go and watch again Nasrallah’s speech, where he stated clearly that Hezbollah would stop launching attacks against Little Satan (by the way, they have always targeted only military infrastructure!) as soon as Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu stops the genocide in Gaza. As simple as that! So, please go and ask your friend Bibi to stop his war crimes and crimes against humanity!
Finally, today is a historic day also because the European Parliament has passed a warmongering resolution, with 425 votes in favour, 131 against and 63 abstentions, allowing the use of the weapons supplied to Zelensky to hit military targets on Russian territory, as reported on the website of the European Parliament.
Such a resolution could be considered a war declaration against Russia. In fact, paragraph 8, in particular, passed with 377 votes in favour, 191 against and 51 abstentions, reads as follows:
Calls on the Member States to immediately lift restrictions on the use of Western weapons systems delivered to Ukraine against legitimate military targets on Russian territory, as this hinders Ukraine’s ability to fully exercise its right to self-defence under international public law and leaves Ukraine exposed to attacks on its population and infrastructure.
It also calls (in paragraph 18) for the maintenance and tightening of sanctions against Russia, Belarus, Iran and North Korea. A warmongering madness made worse by the new stability pact, since it forces cuts in public spending (i.e. health services, education, welfare, etc.), but no expense is spared on weapons.
On the other hand, there is no mention of Little Satan. For them only silence and double standards. Not a word of condemnation and not even half a package of sanctions, despite Borrell’s promises… even after weaponizing pagers, walkie-talkies and other electronic devices1, targeting indiscriminately Hezbollah militants and civilians in Lebanon, thus injuring and killing doctors, nurses, teachers and children!
It is not coincidence that the European Parliament passes such as warmongering resolution against Russia on the same day Little Satan “approved battle plans for the northern front” and bombed Lebanon, following two days of terrorist attacks in the same country. They are both carrying out the orders of the Great Satan, the Outlaw US Empire, which is losing its hegemony and, unable to accept it, wants to bring us to the brink of World War 3…
According to the Protocol on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Mines, Booby-Traps and Other Devices as amended on 3 May 1996 (Amended Protocol II), it is strictly prohibited to use booby-traps in civilian objects!
The West seem to be eager for War and they don’t seem to care where it happens. Starmer, in particular, is raving with enthusiasm about it. Anyhow, we know who’ll get the blame for whatever happens.
talk is very cheap, and as we have seen - it amounts to less then a hill of beans..
"US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said................"
as for the european union swearing fealty to natos war on russia, i don't think they realize what they are supporting here, but war is definitely a big part of it... the military, banking and energy complex of the west must be very happy with the announcement... they seem to have a big appetite for war, don't they? war and genocide in palestine too, to be exact..