Good article. People of Serbia are extremely deluded. The NGOs guide the narrative in which the corruption is the source of all evils forgetting to mention that they are one of the main conduits of corruption. For example Western NGOs guide the protests that are directed at the Public Prosecutor over alleged unwilligleness to prosecute those responsible for the train station collapse. However they fail to notice that Serbian public prosecution as well as high board of judiciary are both staffed by USAID. The country is almost completely colonised and subjected to foreign interest but now the thorn in the EU but is russian gas and Chinese infrastructure, both sources of income that government cant just reject because it's suicidal. In any case people are deluded. The only hope is Trumps cap on funding but they still receive private foundation and EU money

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Gross stupidity/money minded beaureucrats in Europe.

The writing is on the wall EU. Margaret Thatcher Von der Leyden piss off.

Does anyone in Europe notice the vulnerability of the USA?


I don't want to see the EU survive....shit we can't even vote for these people.

Spain wants to deal with China....it cannot because of EU rules.

DOES anyone in the world NOT see a uninodal world (Ambassador Charles Freemans new word....which makes sense) world where we can trade in peace?

IF anyone want's to make sense of what is going on: U-tube Ambassador Charles Freeman.

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