The epochal failure of neo-globalism of the European government elected by nobody: the EU Commission
Today I am providing my English translation of two articles, originally in Italian.
The first is an article written by Belisario and published on on 12th September 2024. (All formatting original).
The epochal failure of neo-globalism of the European government elected by nobody: the EU Commission
Analyses of a different order on the political and economic crisis in Europe have been going on for decades now, while the neo-global media pretend not to see the elephant in the room, which consequently continues to elude the majority of public opinion.
The elephant in the room is the decisive role played by the decision, from the Maastricht Treaty of 1993 onwards - including the adoption of the Euro - to give the EU Commission (and the ECB) immense and boundless powers, equivalent to all intents and purposes to those of a European government.
European national governments and parliaments, however elected by the peoples, are now emptied of most of their powers and subjected to a regime of prior authorisation by a government - the EU Commission - elected by no-one, subject to very little control, irresponsible towards the peoples and almost impossible to challenge or remove, unlike national governments.
Total control of public spending has now been achieved, especially in countries with debt at 60% of GDP, which happens to be all Latin countries, including France. The only uncontrolled spending centre is the EU Commission.
Europe's long evolutionary and progressive path towards democratic governments elected by the people, controllable and removable, from Magna Carta onwards - what is still cheerfully taught in schools and universities - has been radically reversed since the Maastricht Treaty of 1993.
In Europe, we have an imperial government. And since the Obama presidencies - with the isolated and partial exception of Donald Trump's four-year term - US Dems and neo-globalism have literally occupied the EU Commission.
The EU Commission project occupied by the US Dems, beyond declarations is based in facts - which are the only thing that matters - on the following strategic priorities:
a) constant and progressive emptying out of the competences of the governments of the Member States through the constant expansion of EU powers; every crisis or major problem is successfully used by the EU Commission to expand its powers and reduce those of the Member States, the EU Commission's real immanent, constitutive and systemic priority - for the cretins who have not yet realised this and are still fiddling with the Ventotene Manifesto et similia [Latin expression meaning for “and such”];
b) territorial extension eastwards of the EU in chronic conflict with Russia (the next pawn in the delusional domino, after the failure in Belarus and the success, i.e. war, in Ukraine, is Georgia);
c) huge transfers of resources from Western European countries to Eastern European countries (since 2004, annual windfall contributions amounting to 3-5% of the annual GDP of those countries, in fact a veritable 20-year Marshall Plan that nobody talks about);
d) uncontrolled immigration, to the point of ethnic replacement within 2-3 generations, as per elementary demographic statistical models, birth rates obviously included;
e) green agenda as authoritarian development imposed and directed from above, even at the cost of exponentially damaging the entire European economy and in particular destroying the European automobile industry;
f) acceptance of the consequent compression and drastic downsizing of the European welfare state, incompatible with such levels of immigration and the obscene levels of subsidies for those who do not work, see the emblematic case of France.
The EU's development project has totally FAILED, as evident by the loss of 30% of the EU's GDP, growth, wages and purchasing power compared to the US in just 20 years. But that is not enough, i.e. it is enough not to talk about it, despite all the economic and financial data being crystal clear.
Even Mario Draghi is calling for a reversal of course, i.e. a programme of reforms and investments through the use of debt by both the EU and the member states, an opposite line to the one propagated by the Albrecht VDL [von der Leyen], which is based on the chronic conflict with Russia, on the green agenda and on the total control of the spending and investments of the Member States (the dictatorship of the Stability Pact, imposed in particular on countries with a debt to GDP ratio of over 60%, i.e. the Latin countries, despite the fact that the countries of the East have for 20 years been by far the biggest beneficiaries of European solidarity, thanks to which they have obviously had no need to go into debt).
Not only that: anyone who knows the history of US-European international relations (i.e. barely 5% of the European population) knows that the EU's level of dependence on the US since the Obama presidencies, thanks to the EU Commission, is now higher than Europe's historically lowest point of subservience, i.e. that of the 1950s, and literally incomparable to that of the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. For 20 years now, we in Europe have been going backwards, just like crayfish.
One could cite dozens of historical and political examples that would seem surreal today: the protests against the overprinting of dollars and the threats of France and UK to show up at Fort Knox to demand the conversion of dollars into gold, before US President Nixon blew it overnight in August 1971; the New York Plaza Agreement on the coordination of US-European economic and monetary policies, including interest rates; Craxi's warning to Gaddafi of the imminent US bombing of Libya, and the notorious Sigonella crisis; Italy's decades-long pro-Arab and pro-Palestinian policy; the generalised resistance across Europe to the installation of Euro-missiles; up to the swan-song, i.e. the opposition of France and Germany to the second US and UK invasion of Iraq (2003-2006), costing 700. 000 civilian deaths. Berlusconi's own agreement for strategic partnership with Libya in 2009 configured a remarkable, partial autonomy of Italy, dead and buried since 2011.
The neo-global mass media's ignorance and manipulation of reality has reached cartoonish levels even at the macroeconomic level: in just a few years, Biden's US has injected 4000 billion dollars (20% of the annual US GDP) in direct subsidies, anti-Covid, health and education, but the consequent, obvious inflation - which thanks to the dollar the US unloads largely on the rest of the world, Europe in the front row - would instead be of mysterious origin, or at most the fault of the Russian-Ukrainian war.
The 20% of GDP in direct subsidies within a few years would have nothing to do with the subsequent resurgence of inflation: we are now at barroom joke level.
One of the fundamental passages of European dependence was the EU Commission's decision in the first decade of the millennium first to claim Community competence for the Internet (a classic), and afterwards to hand over the entire Internet and social media discipline to US decisions, with infinite damage to Europe in many and disparate respects (exponential damage to the European publishing and advertising markets, rampant pornography among adolescents, poor control of social forums, etc.), etc.
The first consequence of such an enormous strategic error concerns the drastic downsizing of Europe's voice and weight in the western mass media, now predominantly controlled by the USA - Google News above all.
Facebook imposes its line, its regime and its standards for the whole world, not just the US, and so does Apple. A couple of fines by the EU change very little, because the standards of the Internet and social forums are decided almost entirely by the US, starting with the management of the body that regulates the Internet, ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, according to the deliberately anodyne and technical term).
The extraterritoriality of the Internet has always been the US position, in all international negotiations on the subject, and the EU Commission has supported it from A to Z. Other countries, including Russia and China, supported instead the territoriality of the internet, and consequently national regulation.
As if the above-mentioned strategic error was not enough, moreover, all Internet data of European users for over 10 years automatically ends up in US servers: sites consulted, emails, purchases, etc. This for the EU Commission's third, recent decision and agreement with the US, despite two Strasbourg Court rulings condemning the previous two decisions and agreements with the US for privacy violations.
That is, we are all being spied or can be spied by the US services. But even this is not enough, i.e. it is enough not to talk about it.
Today, except for Orban and Fico, not a fly or almost a fly flies in Europe. The forces opposed to neo-globalism are clearly on the rise, but seem to have difficulty everywhere in exceeding the 30% quota, i.e. relevant but insufficient to generate real change, and are punctually criminalised at the outset by the powerful neo-globalist media apparatus as populist or neo-fascist.
On the other hand, with the mass of personal data available via the Internet, mounting any scandal has become an all-too-easy game.
At the worst, neo-globalism increasingly resorts to lies, pure and simple.
How can we fail to recall the famous open letter in which some 50 or so high-ranking members of the multiple US security apparatuses and services, a few months before the 2020 US presidential elections, publicly declared and subscribed to an exponential falsehood, namely that Hunter Biden's laptop was a hoax, a hoax of the Russian services?
These more than 50 senior figures declared and signed the hoax to an entire country, about a fact professionally and directly pertaining to their sphere, intelligence.
And incidentally, how can the automatic, subsequent permanence of these people in the US security apparatus and services, in accordance with the Biden-Harris policy, be reconciled... with who these people or this lobby actually represent and answer to, in the US and Europe?
Thank goodness, at least in the US, the game is on in the US presidential elections next November.
With the confirmation of Albrecht VDL, Europe's crisis is in the writer's opinion now too deep: Europe seems to have understood nothing at all of its long and consolidated series of strategic mistakes, to the point that all that remains is to hope for the victory of Donald Trump and his apparently neo-isolationist, anti-globalist and neo-protectionist programme.
This could be the beginning of a serious crisis for US Dem neo-globalism and the EU Commission's elected government.
The second article that follows was first published on on 11th September 2024 and then on the day after (12th September 2024).
On 6th September, at the 66th consecutive weekly online meeting of the International Peace Coalition (IPC), an extraordinary dialogue took place, bringing together scientific, military and political experts, who addressed different facets of the insane policy pursued by the US and EU leaders.
Crazy because their goal, warned Helga Zepp-LaRouche as she opened the meeting, is “to inflict on Russia a strategic defeat” which, given Moscow's status as an atomic superpower, is impossible to achieve without starting a nuclear war. Of concern is President Biden's new super-secret nuclear weapons doctrine, aspects of which the Pentagon actually began implementing almost 20 years ago.
The technical aspect of how this doctrine works was taken up by Ted Postol, professor emeritus at MIT and one of the world's leading experts on nuclear weapons. The US has produced, at great cost, weapons equipped with a “super detonator” (see diagram), designed to be able to pre-emptively destroy missiles still in silos in both Russia and China at the same time. According to him, one could only pursue this approach if one wanted to fight and win a nuclear war, an extraordinarily illusory vision. Any Russian official analysing this development would be forced to conclude that the US is indeed planning to attack at some point.
In the course of the dialogue, Postol shocked everyone by pointing out that US nuclear war planning is largely done “in a ritualistic manner”, by people who have no real knowledge of the real physical effects of nuclear weapons. The terrifying side effects, such as massive firestorms, are not taken into account in the planning. “They don't even have a good understanding of the basic physical effects”, he said. He criticised, in particular, civilians in positions of responsibility at the Pentagon, who have no idea of the realities of war.
Another speaker was Col. Larry Wilkerson, chief of staff to former US Secretary of State Colin Powell from 2002 to 2005, during the period when the Iraq war was being planned and then implemented, an experience from which he publicly disassociated himself at the end of his military career. Wilkerson recounted some discussions he had at the time with Powell about the utterly reckless nature of US military planning and began his speech by quoting Shakespeare's Julius Caesar (Act III): “Create destruction and unleash the hounds of war”. This, he said, sums up the attitude taken by the "American empire".
Today, for the first time since the Cold War, he said, one hears senior officials talking about the supposed usefulness of nuclear weapons. These weapons, he pointed out, are very profitable for defence contractors. In 1991-92, when both the United States and Russia were dismantling their respective nuclear weapons, the leaders of the military-industrial complex “got scared to death”.
The European point of view was expressed by German Colonel Prof. Dr. Wilfried Schreiber (on leave), senior researcher at the WeltTrends Institute for International Policy in Potsdam, and Colonel Ralph Bosshard (on leave) of the Swiss Army, an advisor on strategic-military issues. The speakers were joined in the discussion by former US Ambassador Jack Matlock (see below). To view the proceedings of the IPC meeting, go to
Recently I have noticed a few mixed reactions to my posts: some subscribers are leaving, while new ones are joining and both old and new ones “like” my articles. So, in order to better understand my readership, I would like to know from you, dear readers, what you think of the frequency, length and content of my posts, so that I can better tailor them according to your taste, while keeping the same style (which I hope is not the issue, but feel free to drop a comment if that’s the case!):
hi ismaele... regarding the questions at the end - i didn't respond.. here is my take.. you are doing a fine job and you ought to be the one to decide on how often you post, what topics you post on and how long or short they are... if i missed anything, i am sorry... just keep doing what you think is best... don't worry about what others think!!!
as for the articles you shared - the first one really explains how the european union has been captured by usa interests and how the usa continues to dominate europe, in spite of anything europe says... we see this in the recent elections in france and germany where people want something very different.. ultimately i think it will spell the end to the european union and all this subservience to the usa... but, it might take some time...
regarding the pervasive intrusion of the intel agencies - 5 eyes and etc - into every facet of social media, especially google, and etc - the eu has not adopted a policy of independence and instead seems more then willing to go along with this fearmongering from the intel agencies which requires spying on everyone... i stay off social media for these reasons and more... we all have to figure it out to the best of our abilities... cheers james
Those people get it. The USA is the enemy of humanity. What the Americans did to Europe is criminal.