Keep in mind that anything coming out of the White House is a lie, and what is actually going on is the exact opposite of any official statement.

So when Biden claims he doesn't want Israel to attack oil or nuclear facilities - assume the opposite is true.

In my view, the delay in Israel retaliation is caused by the US having to rearrange its military assets in the region because they know the Iran counterstrike will be so large as to force everyone to go all in. Or if not this strike, then the next. But the "tit-for-tat" time is almost over.

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thanks ismaele... good overview which requires much digesting and a lot of indigestion, lol..

hezbollah = fight for justice.... the only way for israel/usa to get rid of them is to provide justice and it seems neither israel or the usa are interested in this approach... it is much the same with hamas which seeks the same.. iran - the same as well..

who has escalation dominance here? i maintain it is not israel or usa, but instead those on the path of seeking justice.. nothing is black and white and my words could be torn apart very easily, but it is the gist of my overall view on where we are here..

the reason the UN and all it's tributaries are regularly attacked or worse by israel is because israel resents and resists a world body that attempts to alter its genocidal direction here.. in fact any person, organization or institution that has a different view on the direction israel needs to take here, then the one israel advocates is immediately labeled anti-semite... the label has no relevance at this point..

while typing, i see rsh has left a message... i have to agree with him on this as well..

regardless of how one wants to process this, there are very few choices for israel/usa, in spite of the power they have.. and the choice is still theirs to make here, but it appears they are not able to see light from darkness or anything else for that matter..

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Excellent. Thank you.

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