thanks ismaele... the first article is quite good... quote "Instead of real strategic goals, they have slogans and fanciful proposals. " on one level this is true, but on another it is wrong... the west is in servitude to the usa for the most part and the real strategic goal of the usa is to get rid of any potential competition! in fact, they are getting rid off the competition from some of their own allies - germany in particular... but regardless, the idea of capitalism is at the root of their goals here - exploitation of others resources and wealth is fundamental to it... thus the need to take down russia, the largest country in the world! start with ukraine and move out from their...

they also do have the slogans and fanciful proposals which we can put under the heading 'propaganda'... propaganda plays an essential role in keeping the public onside and down... the problem is, it is not working so well...

the other obvious goal is to ensure that the military/banking and energy complex are profiting - again capitalism.... they don't say this as it would agitate or worse their own public, so instead they stick with the slogans ( freedom and democracy ) or fanciful proposals ( a truce, a ceasefire, an agreement - like minsk 1 and 11) but the russians seem to have realized that the usa in particular is non negotiable... thus the west continues to flounder, as its psychopath leaders aim for ww3...

as for the 2nd article on trieste - i can't see it myself.. i was in trieste in 2018 and bought a 2nd hand copy of john perkins 'confessions of an economic hitman' - a book i highly recommend.... i think i might not be understanding trieste military importance, but perhaps someone in italy who wrote the article, thinks so.. i can't see it myself... i can see how gibraltar would be militarily significant and as we see - the uk has that covered.... while the usa may be building yet another base in this area - it is for the italians to realize how they are being had...

interesting note - i read simplicius's substack article yesterday where he shows a graph of the support for the war in ukraine by country... as it turns out the numbers from italy show how completely not in agreement the italians are with this ongoing war in ukraine.. good for the italians!! they have a great country and culture and to keep it, they need to figure out how to kick the usa out of the area!!

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This article is definitely worth reading. It explains the dilemmas that NATO would experience in any attempt to enter Ukraine.

Trying to Understand the World. NATO's Phantom Armies.

And the ghost of Carl von Clausewitz.


May 22, 2024


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i think i have read it, but thank you!

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Thanks for these translations of such important articles, Ismaele.

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Yes, thanks from me also, Ismaele.

The Aurelien article, in particular, was very interesting.

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US' sacred Ukraine borders did not exist before Lenin, were added to by Stalin and refined by Krushy!

War over these borders is imperial!

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absolutely.. bang on ed! cheers james

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Thank you so much for these very interesting articles.

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NATO is fighting war from a PR point of view using a Ukrainian proxy. The Ukrainians have been actively brainwashed for at least 3 decades. Mainly Western Ukrainians, into believing there's a pit of gold at the end of the EU rainbow. When in reality there's a rainbow flag promoting alien to Ukrainian social & cultural attitudes. Ukraine is a criminal corrupt state, who was easily taken advantage of. Out of all former Soviet states, the one state that had everything to succeed was Ukraine. Yet it was the poorest of all, this had nothing to do with not being in the EU. But everything to do with corruption & lawlessness. Those in the East who are as Russian as those Moscow knew the games bring played. They saw Crimea thrive since 2014. While in Ukraine only the criminals thrived. Mariupol is being rebuilt into a thriving Russian city again. Being a Westerner I'm witnessing a decline at every increasing speed. Of standards of living & social unrest. Is this what the citizens of Ukraine really want? An EU slaves to US corporations , who will sacrifice them at the drop of a hat. The EU had a facist dictator at its head, who has failed in every political position. Who us only interested in self gain & selling out to the US highest bidder. This is no future, why would Russia be interested in invading such a an area, that is doing just fine destroying itself? Russia can't deal with politicians as stupidly ignorant as the people in control now. It's too late for the EU to be saved now, the US are that stupid they haven't realised a poor EU means no profits for itself from them. All they see is control & their own short sighted interests. Meanwhile the world's majority are watching in amazement at Western arrogance & stupidity. Rubbing their hands together with joy. Europe will implode in the coming years & do what they've done for the past thousand years. Start fighting & destroying each other.

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