your title essentially sums it up - the leadership of the west has lost its mind.. the people of the west - that is a different matter, especially for those who have escaped the western msm vortex, lol..

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Yes, I could have been more precise in the title, but... never MIND! :) (Pun intended!)

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i never thought of it until after, lol..

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Actually, they haven't lost their minds. What you're seeing, as Andrei Martyanov says daily, are people who are a combination of ignorant, stupid and arrogant because of their political position. These are people who think, as Pepe Escobar says, they are the "Masters of the Universe" (amusing to me since I was watching a Doctor Who season last night which featured my favorite Who villain, "The Master" - one of my role models in life.)

Thus, they assume they know everything the need to know, since they're the rulers over the rest of us, and therefore they can't make mistakes and don't need to know anything more than they (allegedly) do - which is usually, as Andrei says, degrees in law and finance. Andrei likes to say he wouldn't hire these people to run the counter at a burger joint.

I see the equivalent people in every forum I visit on the Internet, on X, and elsewhere. This is the result of the West's educational and political institutions: people who think they know everything because they're oblivious to everything they don't know. Their brains are limited to the limited ideologies of their parents - or the opposite limited ideologies if they rebel. They are educated to be worker bees and socially and politically obedient to the mythologies they were raised under.

In fact, this pretty much applies to the entire world. There's a line from a "G.I. Joe" comic book (which is a more sophisticated comic than you might imagine) which goes:

"Do you know how many people believe the President of the U.S. is secretly a foreigner? 24%. That the JFK assassination was an inside job? 76%. 9/11? 57%. Who believe the entire universe was created in 144 hours? 46%. You stagger through your lives in a mythological fog of ignorance and fear."

Entirely true - except the JFk and 9//1 conspiracies are probably real - which makes it even more true.

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Things are changing even if the ICJ does not go after the 'thugs' in Israel or the USA

EVERY Nation who has supported the genocide in Palestine are getting fearful. They are also complicit.

MY very first thoughts on this 'catastrophe' has always been.........who are complicit?

Most Western Nations.

Europe is getting terrified/ how long before the EU gets Ursula Von der Leyden out of the EU.

IN Europe I don't see the EU surviving.

Little Britain is finished.

It is obvious to me here in Europe that eventually we will have to enter BRICS in order to survive.

WE are a dying white race. GOOD.

I think you know that I was born into a 'white' Colonial family in Sri Lanka.

NEVER ever have I supported colonialism because I saw what I saw.

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Regarding the EU, I also foresee its demise.

Earlier today I saw an article (in Italian) titled "The German economy is collapsing, but inflation is not falling and the Eurozone risks collapse".

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But these dimwits sit around talking and doing nothing.

It's obvious to me that we need to join BRICS and make peace with Russia!

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thanks and I agree - why is it we have to live with Tom Cottons and Lindsey Grahams being paid OUR MONEY to start a war than no one wants. They need to be tried and hung

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Hung, drawn and quartered😡

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In every literal sense of the Word …….!!🤪

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Globalist traitorous vermin, with no public support whatsoever

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For all the demons' in servitude to the devil and play acting at God. This "supreme" demon thought he was a smart planner. He planned...but God is the MOST HIGH planner of all. Let him...sorry IT reap it's plans. Now it has multiple cases internally and internationally checkmating it. It still has to answer to humanity for the trauma of Gaza.

Job 30:8

Sons of senseless and nameless people, they were driven out of the land with whips.

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