People want peace, and they're voting accordingly. Meanwhile, traditional parties are becoming more totalitarian. Ugly.

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Sep 7Liked by Ismaele

ismaele! you summed it up well at the end... when democracy doesn't work for the oligarchs, just keep on clinging to power regardless, lol.... at this point macron is a disgrace... meanwhile a similar dynamic is unfolding in germany... could it be that people want peace as opposed to propaganda?? i think so and i believe many can see thru the bullshit that is being spread on them.. kudos to the germans and french who can see how they are being completely ignored and continue to seek alternatives to those who continue to cling to power..

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While it’s encouraging to see traditional parties losing support, there can be no joy in victories of the fascists like AfD and LaPen. They may not want war with Russia (Russia being led by a Fascist) but fascists always want, and need wars. Fascists, after all, are just ultra-authoritarian capitalists.

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Your description of fascists fits perfectly that of current western governments, e.g. Biden's administration, Emmanuel Macron in France, Olaf Scholz in Germany, Giorgia Meloni in Italy, Keir Starmer in UK, etc., don't you think?

They are all ultra-authoritarian capitalists wanting and needing perpetual wars (Korea, Vietnam, Jugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc.). Just re-read the final part of my article regarding Macron and look at what they are doing to whoever go against the mainstream narrative on the Russo-Ukrainian war and the genocide of Palestinians committed by the Zionists in Gaza and the West Bank. Common people in Western countries are arrested just for demonstrating in support of Palestinians, while those celebrating Zionists' crimes are given air time on radio and TV. Journalists and activists in UK have been arrested at airports (Kit Klarenberg and Richard Medhurst) and now even in their home (Sarah Wilkinson) just for expressing their own opinion about what's happening in Palestine! Who is the fascist and ultra-authoritarian?

Also, it is curious, almost "funny" how western governments call AfD and Le Pen's RN nazi parties, but have never recognized Svoboda and Pravy Sektor in Ukraine as such. They refuse to acknowledge the huge presence of Nazis in the Ukrainian army, despite tons of evidence (photos, videos and even interviews by their own presstitutes!) and they even celebrated a real nazi in a Western parliament (Yaroslav Hunka in Canada on 22nd September 2023)!

Having said all of this, I am not rejoicing for the victory of AfD and, as I have written in the past, we should always be very cautious on the positions of these alternative parties. Take the French far-right party Rassemblement National (RN) for instance and how its leader Jordan Bardella flip-flopped on positions of his party on NATO, Ukraine and Palestine when he felt he was close to winning last snap elections in France: https://geopolitiq.substack.com/p/the-sheer-hypocrisy-of-the-west

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