thanks for the article. I love Iran, they are so steadfast in their outspokeness against zionism. It really is the cancer of the world now.

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thanks ismaele...

this quote - the world does not know this and has been intentionally kept in the dark about this - "World will not forget Hezbollah's fight against ISIS and its role in ending this organization." that and much more has been intentionally left out of the western msm narrative driven agenda...

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Of course. ISIS is a Western creation.

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yes and it received full support from israel too, but the reality is these details have been intentionally kept away from those who only read the western msm... keep up the good work!

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Actually, General Wesley Clark, former Supreme Allied commander of NATO, admitted on CNN that "ISIS got started through funding from our friends and allies": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWuieOhWTGA

It's a very interesting interview snippet, as it also touches upon Hezbollah, Syria, Ukraine and Russia... in just ~1.5 minutes! I may make a post out of it, at some point...

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you can also grab the quote from obama saying that 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' as that directly applies here as well...

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Yes, true, but Gen. Wesley Clark's admission is much clearer. :)

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i don't know the date obama said this, but it might have been well before clarks overview, but yes clarks overview fits with this too.. thanks..

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This article puts some caveats on the feasibility of Jask Island as compared to Kharg, Iran's main oil loading site:

Iran oil terminal built to bypass Strait of Hormuz is filling with crude



Still, even when up and running in full, Jask — located at the eastern end of the Strait of Hormuz but outside the Persian Gulf — isn’t about to supplant Kharg Island as the nation’s main oil outlet.

Plans indicated that the facility would have the capacity to load 1 million bpd of crude and the ability to hold 20 times that much in tanks, ready for shipment. But it seems well short of that, with just one of three planned loading buoys actually installed. Kharg Island has handled as much as three times that in the past.


It's not clear to me how the US war with Iran will play out in terms of oil shipping. In strictly military terms, one would assume that the US would concentrate on attacking Iranian land targets of a military and civilian infrastructure nature, and basically ignore Iran's oil shipping facilities due to the impact it would have on the global economy to actually destroy them. This would be the Pentagon's approach absent other orders.

OTOH, if the neocon goal is to cripple China's economy, the US would be motivated to destroy them as soon as possible, even at the expense of not countering Iranian missile attacks on Israel and US bases. The Pentagon won't like that, but won't have any say.

In addition, under this scenario, the US might also be attacking Iranian oil production facilities. This would be seen as a benefit to Israel and the other Arab oil producers as the reduction of Iranian oil production would increase the value of their holdings and, in the case of Israel, it's offshore gas production facilities (after being repaired due to probable destruction by Hezbollah.)

It would also, of course, reduce Iran's income and ability to prosecute the war if the war lasts a significant amount of time (years.) This would also impact the Iranian population which would be seen as a motivation for regime change by the neocons - albeit it wouldn't work as populations usually come together when at war. As usual, the neocons would try it whether or not it would actually work.

So I suspect it would come down to which faction in the US has the upper hand in target designation: the oil companies, the Treasury, the neocons or the Pentagon.

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I see how thing could escalate completely out of control, with all oil pumping stations in the region going on fire: Iran has clearly warned Gulf States that, if they help the Zionists in Israel and the Outlaw US Empire with their attacks on Iranian soil, Iran would retaliate by striking oil sites in their countries [1]. Following that warning, Gulf States reassured Iran of their neutrality and urged Great Satan to restrain Little Satan to bomb Iranian oil sites [2].

[1] https://www.businessinsider.com/iran-strike-saudi-oil-sites-in-revenge-for-israeli-attack-2024-10?op=1

[2] https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/stop-israel-bombing-irans-oil-sites-gulf-states-urge-us-2024-10-11/

See also my article "The Israeli escalation ladder": https://geopolitiq.substack.com/p/the-israeli-escalation-ladder

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Yes, the Gulf states will probably stay out of it to the degree that they can. The problem is the US can basically afford to ignore them and overfly them at will. Most of them have little to no air defenses and what they do have, like Saudi Arabia, is under the control of the US anyway. So they don't have a choice but to allow the US to do whatever it wants - at least until the US assets in the region are so weakened that an opportunity will appear for them to pile on.

I suspect Iran won't be in a hurry to hit Saudi Arabia, due to the influence of BRICs, and their sponsors the Russians and Chinese. They'll probably find a reason not to hit Saudi oil facilities as long as Saudi Arabia doesn't allow US aircraft to use its airfields.

One thing we can count on is that the Arab states will turn on the US and Israel in a heartbeat once it appears the US and Israel are on the losing side. They'll have to if they want to keep their populations under control. But it may take some time for that appearance to be clear.

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Too few understand just how fragile a stack of cards is when faced with an incoming storm, a fact not lost on an outgoing administration that serves a differing branch of satanism than the new incoming administration.... (that is important, not in itself "good" but certainly important).

sa-tan refers to a multitude, it is not fixed or an "individual", nothing in that realm is

Islam understands all too well the relevance of trump as the usher of dajjal aka mosciach ben david aka "anti-christ" and the importance to the dark ones ambitions for world domination/slaying of 6.5 Billion "gentiles"..

We are all "amalek".

Too few are able to correlate and process "religious" ambition with "real world" crises, both manufactured and "organic"

Humanity in the main are only able to think on one level at a time whereas the occupying parasitic enemy known as "jew" function on multiple levels, a "benefit" of being devoid of a Soul

Too few are able to read and process their words which repeatedly state "we want a world of our own" and understand that by this the jew means Our World, nothing short of a mass consciousness "event" can bring Humanity around to this fact.

In my understanding much of Islam does already know exactly what We are dealing with yet Islam and Christianity are so (purposefully) set against each other (kabbalah) that communication on this dire fact goes un-heeded

Western researchers know well the relevance of the "all seeing eye" yet fail to realise that Islam has warned of this for millenia


and with schofield reading "bible" morons at the helm the future looks bleak.

In my (humble) opinion the domino effect is now so easily put in motion either by cause, sabotage or indeed even accidentaly that it seems inevitable, Chaos is no ones` servant, it does as it pleases and the great culimation of the kali yuga destructive phase that We currently dwell in peaks in 2025, whether these natural phases are greater than the ambitions of men, parasitic organisms such as the jew or indeed demons is yet to be seen.

it is though for sure that a bumpy ride is promised

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