How dare the USA expect a Sovereign Country bow down to their wishes.

YOU have committed genocide USA!

Go away.

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"These people are crazy and must be stopped immediately!"

Good luck with that. :-) As I've been saying, this war US-Iran war is inevitable.

This report of new charges against Iran further demonstrates that the October alleged report of Iran conducting a "nuclear test" was very likely a propaganda ploy which even a number of so-called "antiwar analysts" also appear to have fallen for. I'm surprised, however, that the US did not appear to jump on it immediately and bring that charge to the UNSC as well. I suspect the reason for that is that the report was too weak in evidence and was possibly not even produced by the West but by some other source which, if exposed, would be seen through. I've been intending to try to track it down, but haven't gotten around to it yet.

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attacking iran is like a constant wet dream for israel... no wonder all the slaves to this outlaw nation are supportive, as they are devoid of any ethical framework themselves... we'll see how that goes.. the world is getting very tired of the warmongering coming from the same suspects, but the media cowtows to these same warmongers 24-7.... is trump really capable of thinking independently on this issue?? he has also proven his slavish devotion to israel... i guess all the financial support from the israel lobby counts for a lot, but it also highlights how the public have essentially no say in what happens - in the usa, israel or most of the west for that matter... the public is increasingly disillusioned with the so called democratic political set up here..

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#Zzzzzzzzzzzz … What’s hold’n up the show? The dang #Israelis “took the top off” the entire #Iranian-Air-Defense weeks ago! #Operation-Days-O-Redemption 🇮🇱

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Ha ha ha.

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