Yes, quite clearly those writing the new narrative didn't look at the old one very well--it's as if they think there's a Winston Smith busily changing that past narrative so the new one fits.

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Oh Boy, they could have asked Seymore Hersh instead of making up another redicolous piece of Garbage.

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This absurd idea, someone goes to a sports shop, buys diving equipment to then dive 80 m is ridiculous. And in order to raise this stupidity to a higher level, this dive process is carried out just when a sea manoeuvre takes place in front of the island of Bornholm. The fact that the German government does nothing against the obvious perpetrators of this martial act but supports these silly lies only shows that they themselves are just as criminal as the perpetrators. I do not blame the politically irresponsible, but the stupid, ignorant consumer animals who don't care about anything and to whom it will happen right if they are ploughed under the ground as cannon fodder, should the ground not yet be nuclear contaminated. how disgusting the large mass of unwashed is shown daily in their reactions to the mass murder in Gaza.

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Well said.

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You are correct, in my idiotic opinion. But I will contribute that it was the Russians who mishandled this case from the beginning. They lacked either the intelligence or the balls to demand clarifications from the Bidenites across the Atlantic. Instead, they went to waste time to the UN, as if they don't know that such an entity is a Western instrument.

Gosh! They never even gave Biden a timeframe to come up with a line-by-line refutation of the investigation by Symours.

That by itself would have forced the West to unmask themselves, whether they would have gone for it, or whether they would have rejected such demand outright. And such demand would have shut the door in advance on any belated attempt by the Germans to cover up that crime with a fake investigation.

Sometimes I wonder about the Russians…

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