Let me be clear about Biden's decision to allow long-range strikes.
The last time this was under consideration, Scott Ritter told everyone he could reach that had Biden decided then that we would all have been dead that weekend because Putin would nuke the US.
I called bullshit on that because what Putin really said was that Russia would respond accordingly based on the actual threat presented. Which meant a couple missile hitting inside Russia would NOT - repeat NOT - mean that Putin would precipitously nuke the world.
I accused Ritter on X of being ridiculously hyperbolic on this issue - so he blocked me.
Well Biden did it - and we're all still here. Putin is not going to nuke the US over a couple Ukraine missiles hitting inside Russia. "Making the US (and EU) a direct party to the conflict" does not by any stretch of the imagination mean that Putin intends to start WWIII.
This is hyperbolic nonsense and needs to be refuted everywhere.
I see also that Scott Ritter has fallen for the "Trump Revolution" - he actually used those words in his Substack article on Matt Gaetz yesterday which I just responded to - and that's why, along with his hyperbolic rants about things, I no longer bother listening to him or reading his stuff. His analysis has become weak and too geared to getting views on Youtube rather than putting things in larger context. Which is very bad for a former professional intelligence analyst.
Regarding Scott Ritter, I dismissed him as soon as I started watching his videos and reading his articles: really not worth our time. I think you and I are better analysts than him. According to him the world should have ended multiple times since February 2022!
Agree: Ritter is like a child who can’t wait to show his latest find - a vole, armadillo or squeaky toy, flapping and gurgling to get attention. Everything is sooooo final with him🤯intensely 😠
the continued unraveling and decline of the west continues... they are falling on all levels... hoping to elect more warmongers ( merz/baerbock etc) with the idea that this will turn the titanic from the approaching iceberg is the last resort of a misguided or worse leadership...
as for the mp zdanoka - this is yet another component of the same empire that seeks to censor or lawfare anyone who speaks out against it.. the eurpean union - especially the european commission under the direction of ursala von leyen is nothing if nothing autocratic, dictatorial bordering on totalitarian in their narrow minded agenda to keep russia out of any harmonious framework... but they slavishly devote untold hours and words supporting the zionist regime in israel.. it is a fascinating parallel isn't it?? what kind of people condone genocide while wanting to go to war with russia?? a sick people and leadership is my answer...
“If you’re not at the table in the international system, you’re going to be on the menu.” …and we’re supposed to believe that Putin is an unhinged psychopath, while the Washington neocons are the “adults in the room.” 😬
wow - how did we get such scum in office The governmental systems of the entire world need revamping but until we get the money away from these bastards this is impossible. If people would vote intelligently we could have avoided this but overall the situation is dire - and that's terrible news as well about that delight former MEP after 20 years of service to her community gets her home raided ??? Jews in control obivioulsy About Russia and China signing on to all of the WEF agenda - here is a video - very short - https://api.bitchute.com/video/ntZkliCN8ME/?list=subscriptions
Regarding "voting intelligently", I will respond with a quote by Mark Twain:
"If voting made a difference, they wouldn't let us do it."
In the last few decades Italy has had governments of different colours and nothing has changed: things only get worse and worse, no matter who is at the helm of the country, which remains a colony of the Outlaw US Empire.
We anarchists have the following version of Twain: "If voting could change the System, it would be illegal." We also say "Don't vote. It only encourages them."
Given the so-called "educational system" - which is geared to producing ignorant worker bees - it is no surprise that no one in the West can vote intelligently.
yeah - but if Dr Shiva had gotten in - if all the people who feel the way you and I feel, if all of them had voted for Dr Shiva instead of thinking they had to outvote the evil - lesser of two evils - and Dr Shiva had become president things would have changed. But yeah - I'm reading a good book now, The End of Money and the Future of Civilization by Thomas Greco - and he says that polticially things will not change until the money changes. The bankers are in control and until they are not, nothing can be changed.
#RazPutin iz allowing the #Oligarchs to settle their disputes without intervention. Hence, gun crimes amongst the #Russian-oligarchs are increasing. “They’re eating the #Russians!” ~ DJT … So, it “es imperativo” that the current #Oligarchies in #Kaliningrad choose their leaders now to present to the Global Community upon secession from the current iteration of #Stalin’s-Kleptocracy in #Moscow. #Church-O-Stalin #Eugene! #Georgia-Meloni
Let me be clear about Biden's decision to allow long-range strikes.
The last time this was under consideration, Scott Ritter told everyone he could reach that had Biden decided then that we would all have been dead that weekend because Putin would nuke the US.
I called bullshit on that because what Putin really said was that Russia would respond accordingly based on the actual threat presented. Which meant a couple missile hitting inside Russia would NOT - repeat NOT - mean that Putin would precipitously nuke the world.
I accused Ritter on X of being ridiculously hyperbolic on this issue - so he blocked me.
Well Biden did it - and we're all still here. Putin is not going to nuke the US over a couple Ukraine missiles hitting inside Russia. "Making the US (and EU) a direct party to the conflict" does not by any stretch of the imagination mean that Putin intends to start WWIII.
This is hyperbolic nonsense and needs to be refuted everywhere.
I see also that Scott Ritter has fallen for the "Trump Revolution" - he actually used those words in his Substack article on Matt Gaetz yesterday which I just responded to - and that's why, along with his hyperbolic rants about things, I no longer bother listening to him or reading his stuff. His analysis has become weak and too geared to getting views on Youtube rather than putting things in larger context. Which is very bad for a former professional intelligence analyst.
I totally agree with you.
Regarding Scott Ritter, I dismissed him as soon as I started watching his videos and reading his articles: really not worth our time. I think you and I are better analysts than him. According to him the world should have ended multiple times since February 2022!
Agree: Ritter is like a child who can’t wait to show his latest find - a vole, armadillo or squeaky toy, flapping and gurgling to get attention. Everything is sooooo final with him🤯intensely 😠
the continued unraveling and decline of the west continues... they are falling on all levels... hoping to elect more warmongers ( merz/baerbock etc) with the idea that this will turn the titanic from the approaching iceberg is the last resort of a misguided or worse leadership...
as for the mp zdanoka - this is yet another component of the same empire that seeks to censor or lawfare anyone who speaks out against it.. the eurpean union - especially the european commission under the direction of ursala von leyen is nothing if nothing autocratic, dictatorial bordering on totalitarian in their narrow minded agenda to keep russia out of any harmonious framework... but they slavishly devote untold hours and words supporting the zionist regime in israel.. it is a fascinating parallel isn't it?? what kind of people condone genocide while wanting to go to war with russia?? a sick people and leadership is my answer...
The is one great evil in the world today: the USA
We might hope that means the Biden regime only.
But it could be that it is Israel owns the Bidens and the Trumps.
“If you’re not at the table in the international system, you’re going to be on the menu.” …and we’re supposed to believe that Putin is an unhinged psychopath, while the Washington neocons are the “adults in the room.” 😬
wow - how did we get such scum in office The governmental systems of the entire world need revamping but until we get the money away from these bastards this is impossible. If people would vote intelligently we could have avoided this but overall the situation is dire - and that's terrible news as well about that delight former MEP after 20 years of service to her community gets her home raided ??? Jews in control obivioulsy About Russia and China signing on to all of the WEF agenda - here is a video - very short - https://api.bitchute.com/video/ntZkliCN8ME/?list=subscriptions
Regarding "voting intelligently", I will respond with a quote by Mark Twain:
"If voting made a difference, they wouldn't let us do it."
In the last few decades Italy has had governments of different colours and nothing has changed: things only get worse and worse, no matter who is at the helm of the country, which remains a colony of the Outlaw US Empire.
We anarchists have the following version of Twain: "If voting could change the System, it would be illegal." We also say "Don't vote. It only encourages them."
Given the so-called "educational system" - which is geared to producing ignorant worker bees - it is no surprise that no one in the West can vote intelligently.
yeah - but if Dr Shiva had gotten in - if all the people who feel the way you and I feel, if all of them had voted for Dr Shiva instead of thinking they had to outvote the evil - lesser of two evils - and Dr Shiva had become president things would have changed. But yeah - I'm reading a good book now, The End of Money and the Future of Civilization by Thomas Greco - and he says that polticially things will not change until the money changes. The bankers are in control and until they are not, nothing can be changed.
#RazPutin iz allowing the #Oligarchs to settle their disputes without intervention. Hence, gun crimes amongst the #Russian-oligarchs are increasing. “They’re eating the #Russians!” ~ DJT … So, it “es imperativo” that the current #Oligarchies in #Kaliningrad choose their leaders now to present to the Global Community upon secession from the current iteration of #Stalin’s-Kleptocracy in #Moscow. #Church-O-Stalin #Eugene! #Georgia-Meloni